Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

100 → 33? 2×20=40 → 60… =3×[11:9].
…that’s so cheesy. Eh, whatever. This works as a mini-game.

As a main game… it would be too unfair. It basically states that majority is worthless and needs to be replaced with supermajority. (It also states that private votes and non-zero-sum vote weight alteration are not alllwed.)

she did nothing wrong

i have two wolves


by the way if anyone was wondering why i became a girl its because of the pre-gen 6 trans azurill glitch


xc2 truly is one of the most games of all time

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xc1 and xc3 have their flaws and their quirks but are on the whole just Good Video games. then the middle two entries in the xenoblade chronicles series are fucked up and jokerified. XC2 and XCX were designed in an alternative dimension

for example xcx was made in the dimension where hip-hop songs never start and Anyone Can Change Situations

gen 10 leak: fairy-tyoe is renamed to transgender-type. Nothing else is different


xc2 is genuinely spectacular
it fucking sucks at the start like holy hell the first sections just suck the gameplay sucks there’s no tutorials oh my god


my personality value mod 256 was between 128 and 191

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xcx is fire but it not being mainline is correct


yeah to be clear: i like all four games in the series. i just think that xc3 and xc1 are sensibly made rpgs with some eccentricities and then xcx and xc2 have Way more eccentricities

fire emblem

xenoblade chronicles 2 asks the question: what if we made an RPG where one of the characters has almost all their progression tied to a dumb stupid minigame unlike literally every other character

also there’s a lategame area that practically requires you to have invested in them if you don’t want to go to hell (note: i actually enjoyed the Hell version of Spirit Crucible Elpys)

very few games would think Spirit Crucible Elpys is a good idea. And like, it’s not a good idea, but it works!! it genuinely works and i hate that it does

hell version spirit crucible elpys is fun yeah

also its theme song goes off

the smash costume unironically did so much for my enjoyment of the game because I not consistently getting taken out of the narrative by “what the hell are you wearing”

adachi true img