oh lmao fair
oh yea no i wrapped my head around it
alabama would’ve been 1 hour forward, which means it is a perfectly plausible screenshot
Schengen too. Bad part is that you have to cross into Romania if you’re going by car
if chomps is from florida he’s been really good at pretending he’s from the brazil time zone that’s an hour ahead of eastern
NYAAAAAAAAAAAA Willow attempting to dox cheez-it thtbhtbthbthbthtbhtb
I doubt there are any bits running that long thbthtbhthtbhb
like IDK any FoLers who could convincingly alt for any large amount of time
ok admittedly there’s survivorship bias here. but like nyaaaaaaaaaaaa how could you resist talking about a bit like that eventually
also I think if it were a FoLer they’d have started posting again by now
it’d be too funny not to
no way u were doing internet stalking on someone while I WAS internet stalking someone
anyway that seems like a college prep class and also like, not that weird? i was assigned tons of questions in high school at once. im buyin it. its wind
yea fair
I could but I know it would make me substantially more mentally ill than I already am so I refrain
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does playing on @joycat count
we were anonymous for our first game (and we wanted to be anonymous indefinitely)
How does FoL society feels after the revelation that TikTok got banned
Let’s see. YBW has with Badeline, Zug has with joycat, Willow… have you?
I count it
iirc i vaguely tried once on oldfol but