Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

Imagine getting executed day one as a hydra in champs

it was specifically because of their tone changing rapidly becuase it was really obvious


Oh wait i do knoe this
Wasnt it a 4 person hydra?

I thought u mwant this season my b

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itā€™s super embarrassing for them tbh

the following year they did racist trolling that ended up causing something anti-racist to happen

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yeah ik flow then. I didnt think their name was flow for some reason? Then again i dont think i had a name attachted to the group either

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its grimly hillarious that the thing it took to make executions not be called lynchings in mafia communities was not the actual people politely talking about it for ages but rather someone pretending to be a black man who accused anyone wolfreading them of being racist complaining about it


I still like executions and Iā€™m unsure why other people didnā€™t use it or at least didnā€™t want to. Not because they were morally opposed to the word it just didnā€™t feel right to them

I feel like people use it more nowadays anyway but back then

Executions is like a formal process I think so it makes since when town agrees they execute someone

people dont like change

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me too why donā€™t we execute people anymore the 21st century is so boring

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yet when I mentioned that instead of CFD we could call it chain of flaming death and people rapidly agreed it was the best change ever

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Chomps supports the death penalty confirmed?


jail mafiaā€¦

I asked Chatgpt what cfd was once and they called it that

itā€™s so good

I mean i think the difference is that one is more widespread so the audience is prob diff
bc ive never heard of ā€œchain of flaming deathā€ :joy_cat:

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you see votes rapidly changing to the player itā€™s like a chain of votes which will lead to a fiery death

oh yeah CFD is far more absurd. genuinely how the fuck did we let that shit slide for so long