Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

it feels significantly more like both but
w/e this is semantics

“I feel like” basically meant to me “I think this is what’s happening”
even though the I Think is there and, in a literal sense, reflects what you are Thinking it still

god sorry im gonna leave

And I meant it in the literal sense of “The way you are talking causes me to feel the following way, emotionally.” I wanted to clarify that it was just a difference in semantic interpretation of the words here. It’s not anybody’s fault that we interpreted them differently that’s just a thing that happens

It was a normal miscommunication and I wanted to make the source of it clear

would you accept random questions about investments


This is a really good point.
I do think that AWS is less reliant on AI than its competitors, but that’s still a sizable portion of Amazon’s revenue.

I am a dark empath
I understand others well so I can be EVIL better


in botc we call that a cult leader


[One-Winged Angel starts playing]

or alternatively an empath who was given a faustian bargain or who just really hates that one bounty hunter

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my brain is in perpetual stunlock


Russian dwarf hamster. He lives in a house made from orange peel.


alternatively the boffin decided their demon needed feelings


I still dealt in to the like haneman baiman honitsu/hatsu/chun/3dora and went from 2nd to 3rd in South 3 it was tragic

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“Haneman baiman” because there might’ve been a red 5 or something involved IDR

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saw a gif of a stoat and started shaking, just needed to thank the cookie thread for keeping arctic contained here so my exposure to him is limited



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you said i was a good person earlier nothinhg you ever say about me again will ever matter

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