Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

but highkey the turn-based battles are a selling point and so if you don’t like them at all then you were, uh, bold for picking up any jrpg in the first place, tbh


like I’m pretty sure that 7 is going to be, at launch, my favorite Civ game since 3

I doubt it will be better than any of 4/5/6 right at launch, given each has years of DLC support to expand the game, but I think 7 will be damn close and will have a lot of advantages in specific areas that I’m very hopeful will make it my go-to right off the bat

can only imagine what it looks like in 5 years

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i like turn based battles! it just feels mindless here!

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that’s wild

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is your difficulty too low lol

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or too high

merciless is easy af, don’t play on merciless


royal broke merciless

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vanilla was actually hard, royal it’s too easy by far and Hard is harder


yeah i was. playing on merciless.


I think the multiplayer communities are likely going to stay on 5/6 for a while (to be honest, competitive multiplayer is basically unsupported by launch Civ 7 lmao)

but once that has had time to all be addressed by the devs I’m p sure it’ll have longer legs than either game

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Hows harder easier


yeah turn that off ASAP

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I’mgenuinely very surprisedIdonthaceba fever

Let me find the image

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most of my gameplay so far has been

find a weakness, spam that weakness, win. or in bosses, spam my hardest hitting attack and use joker as a healbot


i’m just to the point in the story where you beat the crown-head guy (the one that makes the school into a castle) and you’re about to go eat an expensive lunch



p5r is broadly pretty boring from a turn based combat perspective
when playing on hard, I didn’t die a single time since I just used the game’s systems in my favor