Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

or you have that guy lol

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i should kill people who annoy me

which would increase cost but surely thatā€™ll come from executive compensation and curb stock buybacks instead of being passed on to the consumer, right? and for the record, I donā€™t think itā€™ll turbocharge the job market, but even if it did, I donā€™t think itā€™ll actually decrease costs.

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my friends did, then I explained in-depth why that wouldnt happen, so it pivoted to ā€œwell everyone gets richer anyways because of jobsā€

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canā€™t wait for your friends to go work minimum wage jobs in agriculture to ā€œget richerā€


average mormon when presented with evidence

their parents live in mansions lol. they will not have to ever worry about working to survive. its a different world

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its hard to really even call them friends anymore, i can live with idiotic right wing economic takes because you dont have to understand the economy well to be my friend, but you do have to respect women and minorities which has increasingly been not happening. buh

no one wants to go work jobs that involve long days of monotonous physical labor outdoors. those are a lot of the jobs that migrant workers take. i seriously doubt itā€™ll create a lot of desirable, well-paying jobs. but yeah your friends arenā€™t going to be materially affected whatsoever. the only policy that matters to them is daddy getting a big enough tax cut to justify giving johnny failson a bigger coke allowance

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heard lol

i mean they arent that type of rich kid. its very much ā€œim going to meet a woman with hopefully no discernible personality, and start a Good, Catholic family by being the only breadwinner in my family*ā€

*conveniently subsidized by your hollywood father


great. love it. men are definitely not trash.


there are good men lol they just donā€™t typically go to st michaels motherfucking catholic academy


again, handpicked by joe rogan (and hundreds of other fathers) who want their kids to live in a bubble where the ideas of 1960 america are still possible.

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yeah but i maintain good men know iā€™m not talking about them and understand exactly who iā€™m talking about.

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and there are still men who are fine who went there, i dont really fw the over generalization


Yeah p much

this assumption is what lost the 18-29 m demographic lol


i live in utah so usually when i say something like ā€œthe mormons blah blah blahā€ or ā€œcishet boysā€ or something like that itā€™s because the demographics in my area are such that on average if i look at a random guy who (looks like, since i canā€™t tell for sure, but like. yā€™know. Utah) a cishet white boy i can make two assumptions with like 80% accuracy:

  1. heā€™s a Mormon
  2. he is completely insufferable as a result of either the mormonism or being a far-right maniac (n shit like that)

and so i end up just avoiding talking to people who meet that description. well, i avoid talking to everyone i randomly spot in public, but thereā€™s no way in hell i would do it for those guys especially

admittedly, this has lead to some noticable, like, ā€œpeople boxesā€ thinking when reasonable people who just happen to be cishet white boys do actually talk to me, and this is also just a utah-demographics-specific thing so

also im more careful about my language when im with people who i know i would need to or could ā€œpersuadeā€ or otherwise influence so