Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

Does the recent followback discourse not qualify as nonsense

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thats a bit surprising

I had a hungarian friend with a 6’7 girlfriend that womanhandled him around. skill diff

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i don’t actually pay attention to that site

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i know like 4


i’ve considered making a bluesky account but idk if it’s a good idea for me to expand my digital footprint

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You’re lucky, all you need to do is open discord and check your DMs, you bitch.

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Small town!

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it’s true :blush:

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"spoiler, contains themes that might be too funny for whoever decided they got a kick out of flagging my posts

until bluesky has more wolf titties and more nba fans to say i fucked the mother of, i’m sticking to X, the everything app

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i went to a private school and there was at least 4 people taller than me in every class and im not exactly short

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I mean keep in mind that I also didn’t go to many classes, and the ones I did were the same people over and over again cause it was everybody in the honours classes

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So I’m speaking about like 20-40 people max

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*4 is a made up number all i actually remember is that i was never the tallest

6’0 is 99th percentile for a woman

you could still see people and judge their height even if u didnt talk to them??? or are u sooooo short that u just cant tell. shortstack :blush::blush::blush::blush:



wrong acc


Report post, hacked by tutuu


i Could make one but i don’t really Want to