I haven’t felt this mad in forever
i will
i ran a wish granter where i expressely stated you could do literally anything with it
there were 3 wishes made, one was a parity check, one was a cop check (got denied, as i had previously mentioned straight cop checks would likely get denied for balance reasons), and one killed someone in the parity check
yall gotta have more fun with stuff fr
and like, that just scrapes the surface of issues with that game and what happened there, but like cmon
me when genie backup gets executed d1
oh yea no people are NOT creative with wishes
i would do fuckin. what was ash’s thing in World’s Finest
sister that ones on u idk what to say
itw as IN THE OP
Call Option or Replication?
call option
discrepancy in information. no fun happening. do not pass go, go directly to jail
ok within reason*
even then i still let the other thing through, like I can feel a little disappointed with how that game went (along with people being incredibly toxic, gamethrowing, etc)
but i wouldn’t even like Expressly Do It i would just make a rube goldberg machine
genies are cool in games without much other mech in them, i think
ye agreed
people were cringe tho
i’ve heard
it may have been like, 2 years ago now, but thinking about how that game went still upsets me tbh
that’s not exactly unnatural
People simply lack whimsy