the what
im retconning you
i’m good
stay unaware
i’m good
telling orange about a Semi Controversial Video Game with Mixed Reception is like handing a mall shooter another bullet
i apologize for the transgressions of orangeandblack5 he won’t accept his place as a trash man like the rest of us
wait tell me more
who else can we bully
nbowie but idt she’d be down
yea im bullying ivy and ybw
ybw bullying is not sucessful
[goes down list]
yea i got nothing
marl/ruby i guess??
Running Trouble Brewing.
Evil has won both games so far.
First one was a simple Poisoner one where town pieced together that the Undertaker got a fake result a bit too late to fully understand the implications.
Second one was the Baron getting starpassed before powerwolfing to victory.
im gay
this might be the first time i’ve ever seen a baron successfully endgame, starpass or no