Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

ok. we end guessing.

that was king of the castle 1

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i donā€™t even know what the clue meant :+1:

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what does that even mean lol

red team in the most recent 2 rooms 1 boom game. Zug and Jane were only available players who were also on red team

Red players from two rooms 1 boom

both this and king of the castle are out of pocket clues lmao

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quizbowl infiniteā€¦

ohhhh that makes senese
i was reading it as 2 red 1 blue red
and was very confused

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what is quizbowl

i donā€™t know what a quizbowl isā€¦

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joyc at

its a discord server where some nerds play games

ash and benguined are from there but i dont know who the last one is

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i think we have to guess though and i would guess hazard

wrong! the ashmedeans


okay in my defense i did forget the second one was literally titled litten is king but i was going for squirrel and hazard, since squirrel literally has a reputation from that game and his barons
and iirc hazard was pretty prominent in both

the last clue was GOING to get the assassin tapped but i had to try it b/c i had nothing linking to ash but i did have things linking to the others on the board