Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

Most beggars are easy to read, if they beg for money for food, and they really want food, they are doing it next to a store, which provides food, so you can offer them to buy food (or starts with that option to begin with.)

The stationary beggars at busy stations most of the times are pretending to something awful happened to them, hoping at least a few percentage of people pity them, and it works probably, because they are people whom I see almost anytime I pass by. (Even though sometimes it is so obvious it’s fake… like begging in a wheelchair and claiming they can’t walk, at a place accesible only with stairs…)

The musician beggar at least provide some entertainment so I don’t really care what they are using the money I give them, if I like their performance I usually give them some change.

And there are the beggars who are approach you on the street with the most crazy reasons to beg for your money trying to appeal your humanity… I don’t like those, anyone saying anything. And I am pretty sure they are lying out of their mouth most of the time. (Well, sometimes they beg for cigarettes or booze, but it is very rare occasion.)

By the way, here I was talking only about beggars, not all of the homeless people alltogether.
Not all homeless people begs for money, and I don’t think that all beggars are homeless…


beggar mafia

Tried using a Hobo. The player who used it got herself modkilled.
Haven’t used the role ever since.

I really want to use it again somewhen in the future though.

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Imagine the amount of paranoia I can harvest just by adding in some System called [The Darkness System] that does absolutely nothing. :joy:

John War

We played for another 6 hours

John War was a fully upgraded unit which destroyed everyone & everythint

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I own a violin & keyboard and oh my god I’m so incompetent


“The opposite of Farewell; Headhunting.”

Opposite? More like complementary.
One cannot start without dying, while the other only starts after someone else’s death.

Wouldn’t welcome be the opposite of farewell?

Inversion… Technically, all Systems I have so far can be inverted, I think.

  • Three Cards System
  • Penalty System
  • Decay System
  • Royalty System
  • Immutable System
  • Greeting System
  • Seasons System
  • Quantum System
  • Gravedigger System
  • Anti-Majority System
  • Level System
  • Insurance System
  • Night-Obliterating System
  • Transparency System
  • Hate System
  • Clockwork System
  • Hell’s Retribution System
  • Security System

…okay, I stand corrected.
Not all Systems I have are invertible.

the warmth is almost freezing
one day it will go NORTH to the gates
stained with the inks, the shade of forgetfulness
and there will it burn
candles in dark water

permanent system.

universe system

there can be multiple inverse depending on your definition of clockwork.
-Chaos system
-Counter-clockwork system

Alas, I really can’t say a reasonable inversion for three card system. (the inverse of three is either negative three, or one third, but in essence both of them would be the same as the three card system in my opinion.)

Also what’s the inverse of the level system? Cause I can’t imagine this inversion (unlike the others.)

I was not thinking of names-only. Inversions of Systems bring forth effects with them.

For instance, “The Royalty System” is the inverse of [The Prediction Reward System], where -instead of rewarding players for predicting who will be executed- certain players are assigned as Royalty (just like Virtuous), and those who execute the Royalty will be punished in some way or form.

However, [The Seasons System] brought forth the concept of [Time] with it. More specifically, it grants “importance” to “certain periods of time” by “granting players abilities which can only be triggered during said periods of time”.

At the moment, I don’t exactly have anything that inverts “the increased importance of [Time]” because the lack thereof is already present in any normal game. It’s like asking: “What’s the opposite of Odd/Even modifiers other than themselves?”

“The Level System” is the inversion of [The Ranking System]. The latter is based on Paradox Hazard’s macro-mechanic, and the former is meant to bring inequality by giving players levels to determine the priority of their actions.

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For the record, this is basically already present in “The Immutable System”.

Though, I suppose the context would be different, as [The Seasons System] falls under [Core Systems], whereas “The Immutable System” is the inverse of [The Modifier System], which falls under [Inherent Power Systems].

This does give me an idea for a System, but… IIRC I had already mentioned it in Cookie Thread 7, and I genuinely don’t wish to incorporate some “Location System” into this “Many Systems Setup”.

my reading list grows but at what cost

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its is now

That one genderswapped twilight book
Furry romance fanfiction in 4chan greentext style

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Exactly five graded tools…
I think, I can use this.
(Now if only I remember what the hell I was thinking about an hour ago…)