Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

typically i wouldn’t give to them but like, just b/c i don’t have the means to give to all of them and it just feels wrong to arbitrarily give to some people more than others (assuming i have the same evaluation of needs on them, which tends to be true)

i’m also not old enough to have money to give anyways

indian scambot scenters or w/e it was moment?

well, it’s generally many different places in the global south, but at the time of my most recent research of the topic the center of that stuff was the Phillipines

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for me this would probably result in just giving some to some charity instead
which. is what capitalism wants me to do instead of Actual Help
but like. it’s better than nothing, i guess

yea u get the idea

god i hate the idea of those

the problem is that obtaining funds dishonesty doesn’t prove you to be in a priveleged position - it just proves you really want money, and it’s kind of a coinflip whether that comes from greed or desperation


ultimately, people will survive however they can. I wish it could be some other way, but a forum of homosexual mafia players is not the best way to affect things such that it is some other way.

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me when i use exploitation that’s probably suspiciously close to slavery (i am uneducated about how exactly it works so i’m just saying this instead) and my “employees” are potentially fucking ruining people’s lives because i have forced them to do this


its so cringe that the UHC guy was who it was. pretty funny but Also

YAYYY :heart:



that’s awesome!!


i just got done arguing with some schmucks in a discord server about a video game. there was 1 reasonable person on my side, and against us there was 3. one that looked young and constantly felt like he was on a mental breakdown because people disagreed with him. and two people who behaved more like adults but they just refused to parse my words, they had their conversation without relation to mine. like they weren’t wrong in their points, but they failed to understand im talking about something else entirely. never argue with video game nerds on discord. they’re just goblins. like, gremlins. i get annoyed by unnecessary arguers all the time, but if they’re nerds they’re >rand to be weird and >rand to be unstable and its just a mess. i think … if im going to enter arguments from now on, it will be a sign of respect. like “i respect you enough to dance with you about this”. and “i respect you enough to think your words won’t be wack”. just arguing with random people doesn’t make sense, i shouldn’t give strangers my time and respect, its just unnecessary risk


out of curiosity, which game was it?


congrats chloe!!!


oh yeah, also, congratulations Chloe!


sorry i got distracted thinking of the nature of exile and desperation.


i tap one white mana to cast swords to plowshares, targeting [REDACTED FOR LEGAL REASONS]


yugioh master duel

we were arguing (or i was) about rule clarity for new players

there is a card that can have this effect:

"Take control of 1 monster your opponent controls until the End Phase. "

and there are cards that have this type of protection:

“Your opponent cannot target this card with card effects”

and the first card can still be successfully used on the second one. i was arguing for that being unintuitive for new players, they were arguing against it (and one of them kept thinking that im asking to understand how the game works, rather than talking about intuitiveness)