Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

huh, didn’t realise that! that’s an interesting recent development

Soul land 4 has a good transgrender ark around the middle. (It uses magic, and it isn’t solely for comedic effect.)

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to clarify, I mean the terms “binary trans woman” as opposed to “binary trans man”, not the literal ratio of existence, that one’s blatantly pretty close to 50:50

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will try later tonight

might stream in bread

I’m talking ratio of existence, which older studies said was skewed but newer results seem to indeed point towards 50/50

so I learned something today

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not going to the Interstella 5555 screening?


ah, right, that’s the miscommunication. i’m talking about the rhetorical device of referring to a trans person as “binary”

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i recognise that this is mostly insular drama conconcted because our complete lack of political power relatively speaking makes us instinctively go to war with other trans people but, like. it still hurts

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wait what

dialing tf in

also if i have to listen to anyone talk about afab transfems one last time i will go insane

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all females are bastards


dw tho amab too

Weve been doing marriage wrong by accident so actually nobodys parents are for real married and everybody is bastards . Sorry about that


i have successfully caused Misogyny to happen and can now activate my trap card: Sexism Hole, which allows me to redirect the misogyny back at you, dealing 5000 LP of damage


actually never mind may’s joke is funnier


bridget on the cover?

I shouldve put in a line referring to some overly specific ritual we forgot. We forgot the part with the parsley. We forgot the part with the elaborate secret handshake. We forgot the part with the knifes ← spelled like that on purpose. Would’ve been funny


I thought I fucked up the orgo exam terribly but somehow I got a 107? I swear I gave more mutually contradictory answers than would’ve been posisble


I was just picking what seemed right per question so maybe there was some context I forgot about that made it not a contradiction. I’m usually right so it would make sense if my feeling of “this, individually, is correct” being strong enough that I ignored the contradiction meant that feeling was correct

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I was siiiickmode very ill so my outright memory was very bad but it lets me summon creatures in my mind and they know lots of things