Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

let them decorate for christsmas stop being a grinch smh

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it was just setup to boost last respects

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what a good way to end it
how sweet

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Now that the game is over
Mac put all the thread of a mafia game into a document and asked Chatgpt to make rpg charavters odd it



Litten is the ultimate drama magnet, turning even the smallest inconvenience into a full-blown production. They have a knack for making enemies with their snarky comebacks but also inspire
begrudging admiration for their sheer audacity. Though their tantrums can be exhausting, their loyalty runs hot as molten lava, and they’ll scorch anyone who threatens their allies… after they’re
done complaining about it.

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Look what I got from Judgement

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Pretty funny run

Need to start chopping away at my writing backlog from tomorrow.


“Nice house, Doc. Surely you wouldn’t mind if I crash here for a couple days?”

“Nothing is hidden within the shadows.”

(A lie upon a lie. It turns out to be inside out.)

“…but whether the actions of those entities are recognized by the world itself is unknown to me.”

“For a neat-freak like me, the best I can offer to you lot are these shovels.”

“What I will do with the returned keys? That’s for me to know and for you to guess.”

“Whatever you do, beware of the bomb unless you send out a miner. What? No, not a minor; a miner!”

“Mind your speech. Words have souls (言魂), and each soul has a demon (鬼) inside them.”

“…a simple game that ensures players take accountability for their actions.”

“Each Fandom Starts with a Ship! :heart:


“Let’s see if luck’s still on my side.”

“I don’t care if nobody didn’t notice it before. That’s just cheating with extra steps!”

At this point, I feel like I’m doing way too much for something that might not give me enough satisfaction in return. When was the last time people were playing with “mind-blowing mechanics” anyway?


me showing people a rock i got at the pearly gates


This feels like Atlas’ entire EIMM cast.

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Time to steal ideas from EIMM to fill in those final 4 slots. :smiley:

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Gave up after Memekingpizza.
Most of the stuff are specialized for that game; the game with HP mechanics. They are of no use to me, who avoids that mechanic like the plague.


Plague… I guess that is one way to do it, but I don’t think I’ll use it again since I’ve already used it in The Cyberiad Overhaul.

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This is what Chatgpt thinks I look like apparently

Hey Litten, are you retired from FMs?