Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

yeah that would have been a huge hit. we had hallia as a vigi in our team chat, and abigail as another PR. and neil as PR or wolf

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yeeeaaaaahhh. that was crazy. you gotta send someone in day 1 who can handle randing wolf lol

i don’t think this even crossed our minds ngl lol
we did get samac instead, who was also probably another option since (assuming we got vigged) they also probably wouldn’t have been ml’able

can’t believe you didn’t consider bitchbitchbitch who was owning your team

we thought you were VT
we also thought that killing you would have locked in your correct legacy

imagine playing mafia who woukd do that

why kill there N2 then

i ain’t read wolfchat but am curious

i dont know i kinda stopped reading but im just talking about what was going on n1

i’ve heard they knew we were VT despite the claim, but just killed us anyway. i could justify it mechanically in that game state, but I don’t actually know why

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ye i think its just a weird kill given you guys weren’t exactly homing in on xan lol

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we thought the slot was wolf or PR. moment they claimed vt we would have zeroed in on them lol

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it did end up letting them turn tsp into a mislynch but like

no fucking shot they saw that coming

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rest in peace tonystarkprime… he was a real one

shuppet, you

oh yeah who tf are your teammates anyways and how’d you end up there

i think it was reasonable to think they’d get a false red on someone, but it was a windfall that it wasn’t on the FR slot. but in that game state it makes some sense to let them n1/n3 live because if they shoot a villager it’s extremely good for you in that game state because ultimately you deny the village a day, and it’ll go from 7 immediately to f4

i said i would play if i had friends itt and they asked me and i didnt wanna say no

i mainly wanted to play because a bunch of people who rarely play games were playing and idk fomo i guess

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im glad you did because i get to say i owned you now and im extremely unlikely to have been able to say that otherwise

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team games fun af with the right team

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