I haven’t quite finished all decks gold stake I just wanted black deck outta the way because it’s the evil
lookin like h ay
about to get tayed
like a say
I’m glad we have a poet among us
bout to get bashed
lookin like he has a stash
with a tash
that’s kinda clean tho
Among US
I have been dealing with this for the past hour he will not stop
May4pay. Ash4cash
Me next me next me next
This just sounds like I buy people’s ashes for sinister purposes.
got a moo moo
gonna get tilked like del moo moo
Necromancy, maybe?
I should create a Necromancer the next time I play DnD.
Are these your e-girl names?
Last I checked, I wasn’t an e-girl.
Or a girl, for that matter.
I would prefer it if you were a girl. When are you going to become a girl?
im the hottest eboy to live lets be real
my friends just rated me ass 8.5 so I must be
imagine a non-femboy having a better ass than the resident femboy arctic
kind of embarrassing
I am extremely comfortable as a man.