you’re such an egg
so you’re fine with all this but you refuse to use chapstick
Having a girl avatar and calling yourself tutuu tends to do that
Yeah I wanna be a woman but I sure as hell ain’t gay!!!
I had a cut on my lip fir a good 6 months after not using chapstick cause the skin got dry please use chapstick
Tutuu after making out and having a romantic date with a man but he was wearing a tie so it was merely networking
Newbie. 3 mons. Lv 40s. 400+ BST.
Professional. 6 mons. Lv 20s. 400- BST.
Ive been alive for 27 years and never had my lips bleeding or in pain. I just lick them idk. Call me Lickitung
Yeah it happened to me becauss of that
Do not spend a lot of time outside during winter
I was licking and biting my lips constantly and it got my lips all fucked up
Whats this refering to
im gay but i sure as hell ain’t a woman
Oh i see fair enough. I live in a warmer climate so maybe that’s why heheh :P
“passing as a girl via your texting style” sounds made up
Or im not sure wym ambigious sentence for me
My friends don’t lie to me or else they wouldnt be my friends!!!
how can u tell someones gender from the way they type
Hmmm im not sure. U cant have a 100% accuracy. I dont know what my accuracy is it could be anywhere from 0% to … Idk some number. U can only guess maybe