Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

why does today have pp in their profile picture


Mods, ban it


for my fellow tinnitus havers

Okay Ash, I got some good news and some bad news.

So… Bad news first: Approximately 7 Systems are interconnected. How the hell I will connect them is a mystery even to me, but you will probably get more headache than I do.

Good news is: If approximately 8 Systems are cohesive, then that means that the remaining 10-ish Systems are standalone! In other words: You can probably deal with them just fine~ After all, it’s just 9 Systems that you have to take care of. It can’t be that bad, right?

…eh? Uh. That’s odd. The number of cohesive Systems are growing…


the programming experience


I don’t know how, but I am currently left with only 2 Standalone Systems that can operate independently from other Systems. (Well… Arguably 5 Systems, since 3 of the 5 are separated because they have a “theme” of sorts.)

And to think that I began with 15 Systems in this thread, 4 hours ago… I expect at least one of these Systems to collapse and merge together, but how the hell I will manage the Ability Systems is uh. Yeah, I don’t think I have any leftover brain-juice, so I’m thinking of combining past setups and unrun setups by mashing them together. (I try not to revert to monke, but it’s difficult to be creative nowadays.)



Okay, how the hell do I handle the creation of 11 Systems that want to kill each other…? At this point I am giving each of them a personality. Okay, so: Most of these Systems want to become “the Core System”, and they can’t do that when the other players are overwhelmed by the number of Systems. So they need to kill each other, except many of these Systems are actually dependent on each other… Damn, this is some funny curse I have bestowed upon myself. :sweat_smile:


God damn it i have to play overwatch now

growing dangerously close to portal

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Don’t worry.
Surely Portal doesn’t end with a mass extinction of their Systems? I also have a plot twist in this very setup, so regardless whether “the Systems who formed a group to kill the other Systems” (AKA informed minority / evils / Mafia) win or lose, the game will definitely end with more than one System.

ask Zugbot about it

/pet Zugbot @Zugbot


/pet Zugbot backwards @Zugbot


Perhaps I’m being too optimistic, but I can’t really imagine that interconnected Systems would pose too much of a hassle?
Programmer brain go wee.

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How do I start the creation of a setup with [Modifiers], [Points], [Rewards from Correct Predictions], [Evolutions], [Seasons], and more abilities?

Here is an example:

  • Modifier - The concept of a modification to a pre-existing ability. However, if the interpretation is extended, then an entire ability could be interpreted as a modifier.
  • Evolution - The concept of a change of a pre-existing ability, usually improving the quality of said ability.
  • Season - The concept of an ability being only accessible to a certain game cycles.

Maybe I can merge some, but I want them to want to kill each other.
So like: “You get few Points for surviving the day!” but also “You get some Points for correctly predicting today’s execution!” but also “You can spend many Points to remove this System!” Except if you remove the wrong System, then you might not get any Points from predicting executions anymore!

Modifiers can invade Seasonal Abilities, but not the other way around. Some abilities are obscured by the hidden aftereffects of Setup Oracle System. Evolution forces abilities to grow, but which abilities can and cannot be evolved?

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Zugbot can kinda do this tbhtbhtbhtbh

  • Abilities can be written so that they add stronger versions of the ability to the player, and remove the weaker ones
  • can_use_now enforces the cycle an ability can be used in
  • Modifiers are currently in a strange place, and where a modifier goes (or if it’s supported at all) depends on what it is
  • Points would probably just be another field in Player; fields of any name can be ‘created’ at will in Player without actually modifying the class’s code
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the awkward things would mainly be

  • action resolution is currently by numeric priority, so there’s no way to do Natural Action Resolution
  • roles that interact with eachother heavily are still annoying to write
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i heart separator