Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 [Jarek Edition] - SIGNUPS (7/17)

You guys are having an exchange and I’m just here in the corner

I’ll give you SPACE


Hm… Hey Jarek, has anyone ever randed ToL/FoL/LFoL/Virtuous randomly?

I feel like… Oh, wait. Now I remember. I hosted FoL at my homesite, and it went wild because of the culture clash and me misunderstanding about the intent of the setup. (I.e., I hosted a 15’er instead of a 17’er.)

yes and when i say a stock phrase in cookie thread in response to your post you interpret it as if i was insulting you and then i explain that i wasn’t, it’s a randomly selected meaningless stock phrase and you’re like “then stop fucking saying the stock phrase when it’s going to sound bad” IF YOU HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM WITH ME JUST SAY IT

Yes, that was the norm for a looooooooong time

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I’m stepping away from this

oh hey cool new pfp

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It uh

Generally led to worse playing experiences. This was probably exacerbated by other facets of the setups that existed then that do not exist now, but generally if you still randed this specific setup it probably wouldn’t end well

Hm… I see.

(For a moment, we -Zones- thought about hosting a Virtuous as well.)
((But then we remember: This type of semi-open setup is a pain to host-and-remember.))
(So uh. Yeah, we won’t host one.)
((Playing is a separate matter though!))

hmm i have a wierd idea

pre rand abilities that let you affect which role you/others get

Like pick someone to have +2 chance to be town, if you pick yourself its +1

microtransactions introduced, purchase scrolls by paying us

jarek will post the details shortly


may you have been weirdly aggressive towards me over minor things several times in the past this is a fucking pattern! if you think that i’m causing problems just say it!!! if you think that i’m always being toxic just fucking say it!!! I don’t want people to pretend that they at least kind of like me when they really really don’t i just want them to fucking come out and say the issue, but NO every time people have done this they never fucking explain why. then they tolerate me out of obligation until they eventually just fucking stop and pretend like i don’t exist. can they just fucking stop pretending at least???

Alright knock it off

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Both of you

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This isn’t the place to have this discussion and it’s clear that it’s super emotionally charged

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I agree that the queue having very little diversity is a problem
None of the people running games are the problem
After all, if none of you were running games, then what would we have in the queue…

But those discussions are worth having in the queue discussion thread
I’ll say just don’t revisit the topic here and come back with cooler heads


…hey @Geyde, wanna join? :smiley:
