you don’t want cred?
nya cred
ok time to play nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I am no longer tired
my goat
You believe in magic right zugz
we should create a mech plan for tonight yeah
since claims are out
@Leafia @Kiiruma @Frostwolf103 @Bionic
Compare Eve in April Showers to here, do you think they are similar
relevant facts for night actions:
- the only groupwolf alive right now is the Heroine turned Visionary, who cannot use the convert ability
- the Heroine turned Visionary does not have Royal Blood
nyaaaaaaaaa I was there too
though tbf I also only saw d1 and wasn’t all that active so
o u were hydra
notably, in that game Bionic also was pushing hydras (there was Wrongboy/TeenGhidorah/Eve as hydras, only Eve was wolf), and was at times pushing Eve for that
so that should probably make it a fairly helpful comparison to early d1
Ftr Eve mo from a glance of April showers was to only push town and to ignore/defend wolves. Eve just lolchatted d2 after a wolf was exed. Seems like they tunnel 1-2 villagers and kept on them for the entire game.
like here