Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

Could be WIFOM weee

a. Eve is lying
b. Evils bled Eve
Both of which spew Geyde town

This does beg the question how Geyde as Heroine failed to kill somebody at Night and then proceed to use the bleed on Eve, because?

i was pinged hello

Can’t sleep. Also, fulfilled the conditions for Eye of Cthuhlu to spawn but I waited 4 nights for it to spawn without it doing so so I ended up crafting a suspicious looking eye and spawning it that way. pretty easy fight too.

It’s unproductive no matter what and Eve refusing to say her reads at first because the jailor has them is a huge red flag to me.

Brak is correct.

I think Eve is just in antispew now.

I disagree. I don’t think that thought is necessarily AI.

Would be assuming Ash didn’t use call to arms.

In that scenario I can’t really say too much cuz it’s WIFOM


For now.

Hmmm, after a bit of thought, this could be wolf. VOTE: Derps

Hey, so I learned something interesting last night.
Not sure how much I should say but we’re looking for another Visionary if I’m reading the card right, yes?

Go on.

I might potentially have a lead towards it but IDK


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ok go off

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One of our main suspects is Canping, right?
I have reason to believe they have a decent chance at being our hit.

How so

I’m the Duchess.
Canping is Special/Investigative.

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Well that kinda screw my chances to stay alive but thanks

@Frostwolf103 can you confirm Kii visited Canping?

I’m sorry aaaaaa