Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

If the viscount is real WIFOM says this is literally a free 1f1 in towns eyes this is technically a 2f0 because I’m a potential lostwolf (and this slot is being cleared this way)

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Just group up on one player and force them to step against their will :moyai:

This is pretty great. I mean there’s literally 0 flaws in it, town can’t lose at all because evil’s mechanically locked out of the game.
We probably just win by the end of tonight but if not then I look forward to Luka outing Hazard since that’d be the only thing left probably(?)

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa I cannot sleep (the mech is running around in my head lol)

fortunately I have realized a minor issue though

if Bionic prevented the kill last night, which is fairly likely, then Luka would be vulnerable tonight

to fix this, we should have @Jarek make Luka death-immune tonight

also @SirDerpsAlot don’t occupy Jarek

or actually we could have Bionic use Magus/Steam Irraditator on Luka instead
or both
@Geyde @Brakuren which should we do

They wouldn’t have been because I guarded luka

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so i am still on kiiruma?

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yeah you’re still on Kii
I’ll ping anyone who’s actions need changing

Bionic claimed to have protected Brak, IIRC


Brak is definitely a worse kill there (since Luka’s Marshal) but it’s not impossible

+doc dodge attempts

I was thinking if there’s a role that cna make a death knight

I should get executed so I can be a death knight (lol)

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nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nya nya nya nya nya


making the mech 100% airtight is fun
though it definitely doesn’t feel like mafia anymore lol