Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

“Now Now”

Royal Blood does mean if you are evil it’s more likely we get an Unseen to be king

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dont swear. its a disgusting emotion

i wonder how it feels to be pushed for reasons you cannot control


Zug i fucking hate you so much


Genuinely why the fuck is the thread either talking about Luka or Jarek.

It feels like people pushing Jarek are sheeping Luka, and people pushing Luka are sheeping me.

Give both players some time to breath, like already half of the players have posted and there have been little to no discussion about their posts

I’m not voting Zug D1.

And you’d have to hard full claim to get people to vote for you with it. Meaning that if an evil claimed they had this passive first and stepped anyone else would likely just stay quiet because there’d be a chance they lost the vote and had their full claim outed for no benefit.

im not having an actual argument with you so perhaps you should take this elsewhere. i already said i wasn’t going to pursue you any longer for now

idk what you’re ???ing here for

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It’s okay I’ll prove myself as town by dying

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it has to be done, I won’t stop pusing someone beacuse its annoying it’s a game after all

I should do another Infernium run lol


im not sheeping a single post they’ve posted so

Your first mistake


You could vote a lot of different people and the double votes would make a split vote in favor of unseen.
But that’s only if you are evil

I think people pushing on me are potentially wolves who saw an opening but this is from the perspective of a player who doesn’t believe they did anything wrong. Hence, I will ignore that thought.

blawg ion know you

This is a thought experiment that doesn’t really get us anywhere I’ll be honest. If and when I die, I expect a player who everyone believes is town and ideally who has had conversion immunity placed on them to be voted as king regardless of royal blood or not.