Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

The shield means something else
Plague Doctor has no shield but has prestige

This is an avenue that needs exploring and couldnā€™t sleep. VOTE: Luka

Please explain how Iā€™m obvious town. This almost feels like TMI.

No he isnā€™t.

Iā€™m not so sure but itā€™s worth considering.

We donā€™t even know what scum faction is in play yet.

It is evil. The informed minority are the good guys this game.

Jarek is actually likely to be a villager I feel.

I hope you know evil=villager this game.

Mindmeld with me.

Yes we do.

No they donā€™t.

The two roles I can be converted into have all the same abilities as my role.

I also think Brak would make a better king than I would at the moment.

Kiiruma has a slightly scummy feel to him at the moment so Iā€™m giving him a slight scumlean.

How is that AI?



Heading off for the night isnā€™t hiding. Itā€™s called having a life.

Nope. It isnā€™t possible for my converted roles to be in the game. Read the Illusionist card.

Thatā€™s literally what I said Frost.

If you actually read the Illusionist card youā€™ll understand. It literally says that if Illusionist spawns its converted roles canā€™t.

Read this passive from the Illusionist role Frost.

Luka L-2 lmao

Specifically this line.

I wont say this again.

Iā€™m delusionel

You literally had me checking the votecount when you said that.

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Also, not necessarily. Leafia could be a different ā€œgoodā€ instead and have a Mystic/Cabalist in play making Leafia look like the Mystic/Cabalist.
I donā€™t think this is the case though, because if Leafia dies and this is the case, we know 2 ā€œgoodā€ roles in play.

And that seems like something ā€œgoodā€ doesnā€™t want us to know

Ummm, thatā€™s m.j literally impossible. Iā€™ve already confirmed I sent that message using my ability. Iā€™m illusionist.

At any case, anything interesting going on Besides Jarek went ToS route?

Heā€™s not arguing against that. Heā€™s just saying that if Iā€™m telling the truth about being illusionists, the other two roles canā€™t be in play.

But I guess with Blue Dragon we would already know all the ā€œgoodā€ roles in play, if we found out Leafia was ā€œgoodā€
And if Leafia was the Arbiter, the same amount of info would be given.

This could be from anyone
Just because it has your name on it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s from you

Like this isnā€™t true

Thatā€™s only true if Iā€™m a wolf.

That is what I am saying

Why would I make that claim if Iā€™m a villager role besides Illusionist Cat?

I never said you would
Because you wouldnā€™t

Ftr mass claiming is protown