Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN


Bro I really didn’t read the op

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What is a faction cap?


And you’re just wrong about me. I was about to say that I can prove myself unseen by making someone immune to conversion tonight and getting a provate chat with them but then I checked and saw the two converted Illusionist’s roles can do the same thing minus the conversion.

Also, I never claim this early as scum Brak. Try again. Your read on me is laughable really.

highest amount of scum there can be with conversion in play

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I want conversion immunity can I have this thanks

Might get converted you see

Maximum number of players in the faction, they can’t convert when they reach that i think

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I’m converting Jarek tn guys


i want to lean leafia more town than not due to her usage of the modpost

its pretty ~weh but id rather look somewhere else



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Jarek did infact push for VFR. And confusing two things isn’t wolfy.

" This is more a micro read as opposed to something I’ll keep later on if I find something else." Why would town try to discredit their read.

It’s not discrediting my own read, it’s a solid read. I do think that I shouldn’t lock in reads 2 seconds into the game nor have confidence in them however.

" feels as tho it was with towns best interest in mind." more doublespeak, as you don’t actually say anything here

This is not double speak. This is “I feel as though this is villagery since it was intended to help villagers, and evils do not want to help villagers.” This is very explicitly laid out.

" This almost feels like the same reaction Jarek had in Vampire mafia early game" again more doublespeak, as you don’t actually say anything here

Please learn what double speak is. Not everything is going to be explicitly laid out, even though the majority of this is and you’re just being obtuse. This is similar to how Jarek was acting when they were town in another game, hence I think they’re more likely to be town here.

Your accusation against me is that you do not understand my posts.

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I’m converting myself to evil

u telling the truth ?



If I die I want my successor to be sirderps if anyone else steps and becomes king I will possess them to commit suicide

nyaaaaaaaa same but there are better ways to read leafia that I will probably be using more

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I can but I’m not sure what two players I’ll give a private chat to tonight.

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