Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

Im not convinced kaiser isn’t ascended to another plane of existence

…which is actually lore accurate i think

karin / august / kaiser / cali arent starting unseen

idk why im so excited but I think I know who samarie is through ISOing them

daan / olivia / marina / tanaka / henryK / pav

tanaka was really confident here super early on in the day idt assa instantly would say that

Daan looks super good here with an early vote on MM and due to how TOL is structured and how MM is 1000x more important than GF daan isnt starting scum for this, even if it is distancing

olivia / marina / henryK / pav

im sure everyone else has stuff redeeming for them but im gonna dip bye

I had and still have 0 clue lol

I believe that I have redeeming things for me as well.
I don’t like this surface level analysis of the gamestate tbh. Feels kind of fake? Just pointing out two messages from both slots lol.

I’m surprised karin didnt like

See anything to make her trust henryk

This really is an analysis of all time

Bad tinfoil

There was only 1 kill n1 despite nk and assassin both existing because i wined karin n1

Idk im struggling to really call anyone alive a wolf

2 days, osaa shot kalev

I do want to say that there shouldn’t have been a converted Unseen on N3 so the 3 deaths is shocking to me

I changed Samarie’s N1 action and redirected them to themself on N2 so technically speaking they shouldn’t have been able to convert on either of the first two nights.

Well if you’re the second MM (if you die it’s over) and you know that there’s a killer class who can shoot every day and is doing so they’d be priority, they got delayed but for all intents and purposes that’s a heal that they weren’t going to die to unless I fucked up


Well ig theres max 2 unseen left?

Unless marina is lying but i kinda dont think she is



Realistically speaking the only way I end up being evil is if I’m the assassin that claimed I delayed osaa and then killed them last night to cover my tracks and that isn’t possible rn

@Pav I probably need you to claim here


I ISOd 2 people

then went and did other stuff

actually I didnt even ISO

okay so here’s where I let you know that Osaa might have killed someone as I changed your action N3

I ISOd Samarie and then clicked view replies :wowee: