Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

If I’m scum I’m not gonna out it if I’m BD I’m also not gonna out it :wowee:

iirc game does end if its a guranteed loss tho

das fair

you should have taken Dream Sphere because it makes you immune to conversion smh

I could’ve

why not? oh i guess coz town can still win even if they lose parity. hm

update this isnt stated anywhere

I’m mainly waiting for Daan to post obs logs

das fair

If it’s just daan/olivia that’d be real funny

Did either of these dead people have logs

i am gonna townside coz i think it would be unfair for town to lose after dealing with so many crap, mafia that can convert, serial killer, jester, and a scumsiding survivor, like its too much. and apparently town rly screwed over the sk and the mm. so i think town deserves the win. although some townies looks like didnt like allegedly blackkhalev, i still dont know what he did, but u guys are saying he did Bad Stuff. still i think town deserves the win

so if u guys chop MM today i’m shooting olivia

but if u chop town today i’d have to think about it. i might shoot town in that case because it would end the game probably and i do wanna chase my wincon after all

If we kill the MM today then we most likely win the game if we don’t then they convert and we most likely lose the game

Yeah I’m still town if you’re weighing that in for who you’re siding with

chop correctly between henryk and daan and u get the win. good luck buddy

Isn’t it hilarious that town kills MM/NK and is still this close to losing

rip af

and not only that, jester was robbed of his kill. so i do empathize with town yeah it doesnt seem like they should be this close to losing

you know i thought we misexecuted more times than we actually did

it was probably just the sheer amount of kills in the night :wowee:

but nope our only misexecution was day 2
and I even order executed a non-town