Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

i mean… technically it was IceT

they don’t know you well enough to assume it was you, and they saw a mechanically sound player saving a tk and giving valuable information, and assumed it was one of the players they knew that fit that bill


I now fit the bill


I did point it out initially though so I’m still taking that

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i think u are good :/

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The moyai implies light hearted ness


Jarek i will say me and Luka didnt think you were tanaka.
you were really good at covering yourself even if you meant to or not.

but looking back you keeping the world open that i could be still town is something that i had dealt with in tos 3.

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Ok fair enough

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There’s always a chance

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honestly me and luka trying to snipe peoples accounts was one of the funniest part of this game.

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i think that day i was dying. no way in hell was i living past all the shit stacked up against me.

i just went into anti-spew mode

Having an alt account was a chance since people wouldn’t be acting the same

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i started out acting like someone different. tried to watch my punctuation and grammar. went a bit more “nerdier” in tone. but i resorted back to hazard panic on the second long day

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i will be in this game

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Poy kept trying to convince me to join anon games on his home site or w/e… maybe I should seek them out

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Though I suppose any game in which I am not on Fortress of Lie dotcom or homesite is essentially an anon game

Next anon game “Eliza’s hell”
Everyone has a different version of Eliza’s account


If you ever join an anon game with day vigilantes let me know may

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