Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

an enemy of the regime!


o7 Always in our hearts Nashrash

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oh I dont read

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cant wait to discover that this applies to ALL executions and that since im voting them i die

better hope they aren’t fool, i guess

It might only apply to execution by vote?

i hope so

I hope theyre the trollboxer
One well timed trollbox seems really devistating

and if they are it removes scums option to backpedal

For clarity’s sake I’ll rephrase what I initially said as:

It is hard to intentionally be funny as wolf

Which you requoted as “Making jokes is hard to do as scum”. Let’s rephrase that as:

It is hard to intentionally make jokes as wolf

I’d have to admit you’re right if you can show that all jokes are funny, maybe… But wait, if this is true wouldn’t my ultimate goal be to just make others tell jokes endlessly then since that would make them town to me? Whoa you think I’m like a crazy person, huh? Actually your entire line here is so creative that I think it kinda left me in shock and it took me until now to realise you’re just ride or die town or very very very occasionally a wolf with unmatched artistic vision, and either way you’ve outskilled me! Can you be our next king after Nashrah kills Henryk please?

ok yeah i guess i can see your difference but in either case i dont think its solid enough evidence to town or scum read someone

i wont lie. Kaiser i am still extremely unsure with your play style but you are calling yourself out alot. i believe this was the third off chance you doing this. which i dont necesarilly see in a lot of scum players? so now you have me confused again. my brain says your scum trying to win me away. my gut is telling me that i am dumb and shouldnt trust my brain. please talk more. or better let imma just re read shit

I dont know if me being king would be good for my anxiety levels in the slightest :sweat_smile: but my power isnt the strongest so i am not against it?

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bad news

That’s right, and numbers never tell lies. They fear what you’re capable of and the words they speak against you are their only means of stopping you, but it’s not enough… They are still playing the game you already beat.

He Is Eternal

Ah… welll

Do you mind telling us why you mentioned the word Cult Leader before it was implied we have cult in game?

Logic tells me this is not something normal townsfolks do.

He was speaking like a cult leader. dont know what else i can say about that

literally described someone as cult leader like in their presence and dialogue. didnt call them an actualy cult leader role wise.

Don’t love this post. Kind of taking an obvious joke seriously in the matter, or at least obvious from my pov. I also don’t think that the posslbe benefit of no kings is a benefit at all.

Hate this post. Town should always be trying to elect a consensus as king here so scum doesnt elect one of there own. Or, wifoms it. Suddely discouraging discussion. Also LAMIST.

This is hypocrisy.

Scum trying to push for who they believe to be a fool.
Nash / Daan not svs.

Focusing on something small when tons of other rthings have been psoted atp. Even thinking this is a bit weird imo, since cult leaders are well- an actal thing.

Scum lean on this slot, don’t like really anything. Posts feel carefully crated, don’t add much to the game but with the illusion that it’s adding things. The posts dont have any weight to them, almost as if all of them are just idle observations. If they were to be town, I want more content from this slot. I want a read list at the very least, I don’t think thats to much to ask for.