What if it’s 13v1v1v1v1v1? Also the info about multiball comes from BlackKalev. It could be false. I’m not too familiar with the roles sadly they’re quite lengthy to read.
i guess that would be better? idk if that would happen tho.
especially cause your technically not a “V1” you are a “V whoever is the coolest person at the time”
i just ctrl f’d TrollBox in the class list.
there is actually one Unseen that can trollbox
oh nevermind its a converted version of the scorched
if both troll boxes are real. and your not pulling legs caligura. its 3 neuts
The Assassin which is a starting Purple has this:
Disillusion (Day) - Make a post either anonymously to the thread or on someone else’s account. - Infinite Uses
Which seems to have the same functionality as the trollbox. Also, if only those 3 starting Purple roles can spawn, am I not confirmed Alchemist then? Since my ability is confirmed by Karin. It only begs the question if I was converted to Purple.
How does conversion even work? Who does it?
Alternatively if converted roles can spawn from the start as someone else suggested earlier - then that Scorned purple could have spawned from the start.
So - two plausible explanations with only 2 neutrals.
right! you were confirmed through that interaction
and fair.
ok yeah fair enough you got it
Excellent! We have some more insight to the mystery. If I may direct you to this post, my good Sir! @August
(To summarize, The Assassin and The Crone can both trollbox, and are both purple Mafia.)
I gotta go. and i dont know if i am gonna make it back before eod. i will try but no promises.
i am sorry i am not helpful. but please really consider your votes today. if black is speaking true information we will have 2 conversions per night which means we need as many towns folk alive as possible
VOTE: Karin
My vote goes here for pressure to say more. and to get others to read them a bit more.
see you guys later! HFGL
I think someone is messing with black’s feedback and got it lucky
It may be coincidence however and there is no such thing
I don’t think there’s an informed minority as of now, I’d bet our enemies are a bunch of loners
I can just speak like someone you know if you want and you can spend that time being curious about something that matters instead
I Already Told You I Was Unkillable. The Only Fools Here Are All Of You For Thinking You Could Actually Execute Me
Would make sense if it was within my win condition to catch wolves; sadly not the case, my good Sir! Alas, seeking simple entertainment is all I can do given the role provided to me.
I don’t think I can vote for Levi now that they’ve said they won’t be around, they’re taking advantage of my kindness and it’s shameless of them!!
BlackKalev too unless they show up and bury themselves like right this moment
VOTE: Karin
I bet a whole buncha people felt exactly what I’m feeling right now like 1000 years ago when they had to make up reasons to select human sacrifices for the gods they worshiped, my bloodthirst is aimless and yet my aim feels truer than ever, Karin is going to reveal as Unseen
I will doctor Henryk tonight unless someone tells me it’s a bad idea mechanically.
me when the Fool was my town tr
so according to the Sheriff we have the Unseen, the Cult, an Alchemist, and a Fool