LFOL Cringe Compilation

It is funny to not elaborate

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Sheriff has two scouts, one that works on Unseen and the other that works on cult

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I was thinking about this earlier

If I can come up with a sufficiently stupid setup I’ll host it again

After we remove Bastard and add Viscount ofc

Added these

The Viscount

Neutral Social
Forged Bloodline (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you. Before the end of day 1, you can inherit a non-Prince day ability from a BD class with Royal Blood.
Green-Eyed Monster (Passive) - You are immune to death from non-Blue Dragon classes once. If you become King and accomplish your win condition, you will leave the game, there will be no more Kings, all investigations will fail that night, all non-Blue Dragon kills will bypass all protection that night, anticlaim effects will automatically succeed on anyone targeted that night, and all executions will be majority-only for the rest of the game.

Disinherit (Day) - Remove target player’s royal blood, if they have any. - Infinite Uses

Royal Detection (Night) - Learn target player’s class type and whether or not they have Royal Blood. If they are targeting you, they will be occupied.
Eat the Rich (Night) - Forego your night action to consume the remains of a player with Royal Blood. Gain all their abilities and remove them from dead chat. The Prince’s body is cremated so you ain’t eating that shit. - 1 Use
Et tu? (Night) - Attack the King. - 1 Use
Live to become King for a day.

stopping here for now

I stole all of the abilities from Bastard because the problem with Bastard is their wincon

The Viscount

Neutral Social
Forged Bloodline (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you. Before the end of day 1, you can inherit a non-Prince day ability from a BD class with Royal Blood.
Green-Eyed Monster (Passive) - You are immune to death from non-Blue Dragon classes once. If you become King and accomplish your win condition, there will be no more Kings, all investigations will fail that night, all non-Blue Dragon kills will bypass all protection that night, anticlaim effects will automatically succeed on anyone targeted that night, and all executions will be majority-only for the rest of the game.

Disinherit (Day) - Remove target player’s royal blood, if they have any. - Infinite Uses

Royal Detection (Night) - Learn target player’s class type and whether or not they have Royal Blood. If they are targeting you, they will be occupied.
Eat the Rich (Night) - Forego your night action to consume the remains of a player with Royal Blood. Gain all their abilities and remove them from dead chat. The Prince’s body is cremated so you ain’t eating that shit. - 1 Use
Et tu? (Night) - Attack the King. - 1 Use
Live to become King for a day.

Converts into The Poor or The Apostle

The Poor

Unseen Social
Forged Paperwork (Passive) - Votes to become king count for two as you. Once per game, at any time, you may inherit a non-Prince day ability from a BD class with Royal Blood.
Hates Rich People (Passive) - Your base vote is 2 against players with royal blood and the King.

Disinherit (Day) - Remove target player’s royal blood, if they have any. Your vote still counts as two against them. - Infinite uses

Royal Detection (Night) - Learn target player’s class type and whether or not they have Royal Blood. If they are targeting an Unseen member, they will be occupied. - Infinite uses
Eat the Rich (Night) - Gain all the abilities of a dead player with Royal Blood, except the Prince. - 1 Use

this is fucking stupid

@geyde approve :pleading_face:


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“If you become King, everyone else becomes King too.”

I’d prefer multiple wincons for the ‘must be king’ role

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“Become King for a day or Get Order Executed”

The Slappy Neutral Mentality / Methodology

What is slappy?

Slappy was a neutral role put in a mash
It had various wincons, including being executed, making sure another in play lived until a certain day phase, and a few other things

Why slappy?

If your neutral role pidgeonholes you into playing in a hyperspecific manner in order to win, then you’d say that the neutral role isn’t especially fun. People feel bad about randing neutrals, among other reasons, because they don’t get to play the game they signed up for in the way they’d expect.
Slappy attempts to solve this by giving players multiple different options to pursue during the game.

How Slappy?

A good slappy should have wincons with radically different objectives


I’d say slappy has its place in lfol when the initial wincon is hyperspecific

things like jester, alch, and scorned (probably) have the valid play diversity which won’t require a slappy


best example rn is merc
bastard was a bit of a mistake because I wanted to make sure pretender could be a thing

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For refrence the OG slappy
