LFOL Cringe Compilation

it still prevents toxic isoing



All the neutral killers are weird and most importantly: fucking bananas


hey icet
for no reason at all

is it possible for me to purge in anarchic :wowee:

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we should probably look at roles and make adjustments to ensure we didnā€™t fuck everything up

Overall Unseen got nerfed when compared to their counterpart before changes
This is optimal they were stupid tier good beforehand

Carry on the Mission should probably only work for the starting assassin but Iā€™m not beholden to that
itā€™s icky as shit to make a mechanic that prevents ā€˜ah yes the wolves got targeted extremely early by the random bullshit and fucking diedā€™

but there are only a couple roles that canā€™t be converted at any given time so

Carry on the Mission (Passive) - The first time this role dies except by execution, it passes to the Oldest Unseen member.

Rise Up [STARTING ASSASSIN / MOON SPIRIT] (Passive) - You will become the Mastermind when they die.

janky but protects from being random bullshitted

Iā€™m pretty happy with unseen after that
idrc about making shit balanced

currently only physician (and alch lmao) can save people from bleed if Iā€™m reading shit right
thatā€™s fucking funny

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I think we overtuned Cult (naturally)

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You may be correct
I do not give a shit

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Ideal setup sees CL + Acolyte and Demon, with each deleting the thread on alternating nights

the strongest starting cult is ritualist because youā€™re giving up very little to have 2 kills from alch

Cult can just

In general

Get an insane amount of KP for no reason

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I do feel like dropping abilities that kill from the ā€˜take abilities from classā€™ passive
acolyte can keep it though because possessor!acolyte is funny

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itā€™s almost always going to be chosen
itā€™ll never be interesting