LFOL Cringe Compilation

also giving revive to priest but it needs to pick a list of 3 players, one of which the cult/unseen get to choose who dies

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Also priest kills people in dead chat to use their abilities

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The Priest has been renamed to The Dark Priest

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The Dark Priest :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Mastery Over Life and Death (Passive) - You start in a neighborhood by yourself. At the end of each night, your neighborhood is cleared.
Necromancy (Day) - Choose two dead players and add them to your neighborhood. Infinite uses
Purify (Day) - Remove all of the targeted player’s abilities at the start of the night, except for conversion and evil killing abilities. Neutrals are immune to this removal. - 1 Use

Rebirth of the Beloved (Night) - Resurrect a player you have revived with Necromancy. Also choose at least 3 alive players, one of whom the Unseen or Cult can choose to kill at any time during the next cycle. - 1 Use
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Soulcatcher or The Apostle

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I want to combine Archer and Hunter
So we call it the Ranger

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The Ranger

Blue Dragon Killer
Retribution (Passive) - You will execute the last of your voters before your death when you are executed by the court.
Mysterious Backstory (Passive) - Before the end of the first day, you must choose a Backstory. This backstory will grant you certain abilities. Your choices are American and Monke.


I Love Guns (Passive) - Your vote counts three on those voting you.
Multi-shot (Day) - If you fire a bullet at one of your marks tonight, remove all marks and attack any other player whose mark was removed. You are immune to redirection this night. - 2 uses
Bulls-eye (Night) - Place a mark on target player. A marked player is no longer passively death immune. You may have up to three marks. Targeting a marked player with this ability will remove the mark. Targeting yourself will remove all marks. Marks disappear on death or class change. - Infinite uses
Hospitality (Night) - Fire a bullet to kill your target. This ability is disabled if you kill a member of BD with it. - Infinite uses :crown:


Monke Smart (Passive) - When you gain this ability, you learn how many unique win conditions are active in the game. You learn if there are any Cult or Unseen remaining at the start of each day.
Bear Companion (Night) - Summon a bear to protect you, granting you death and conversion immunity for the night. You will kill any attackers. - 2 uses
Eagle Shot (Night) - Fire an arrow to kill your target. You lose all your abilities if you kill a member of the Blue Dragon with this. - Infinite uses :crown:

Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Arbalist or The Acolyte

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GGG (Day) - Link a post of a player malding at one or more of your posts. For the remainder of the cycle, their vote doesn’t count against you and they will fail when targeting you with any abilities. - Infinite Uses

Fool version has the vote value being tripled instead of canceled

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Tavernkeeper is fine


Change Lives (Day) - Mix Rooms also causes the targets to change accounts. - 1 Use


ok I give up with weaver

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The Chronomancer

Blue Dragon Support
Back to the Past (Passive) - If you die on cycles except for Execution where you don’t use an ability, instead delay it for two nights. You will be informed when this effect occurs, and lose the ability afterwards.
Time Alter: Double Accel (Passive) - You may perform two night actions each night. If you do so, you will begin bleeding and bleed out at the end of the next night.
Abeyance (Day) - Double a player’s vote weight - 1 Use
Timeline Split (Day) - Your Time Warp tonight instead redirects all abilities delayed with Time Warp to your target. - 1 Use
Time Warp (Night) - Delay all abilities against your target by two nights. You will be informed if you successfully delayed a kill with this ability. - Infinite uses :crown:
Fast Forward (Night) - Make all abilities guaranteed to succeed against your target tonight, bypassing immunities. - Infinite Uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Assassin / Moon Spirit Bleed draws from the same pool as distract / …lewd clothing (why the fuck is that name real)
Distract is now shared amongst all assassins

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Distract / Lewd Clothing also reduce the target’s vote to 0

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Adding Senex so apostle can reveal as Senex

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The Senex :shield: :fire:

Neutral Support
Mentorship (Passive) - Upon starting the match, you will be aligned with or against the Blue Dragon. You will be immune to death except for execution at night, but if you are Blue Dragon aligned, this is lost after Night 2. Your alignment will be revealed when you flip.
Beloved Mentor (Passive) - If you are executed, you will prevent any executions tomorrow. If you die by the hand of a BD-aligned killer, they will commit suicide. This passive only applies if you are aligned with the Blue Dragon.
Shit Mentor (Passive) - You can make two day actions each day. Only applies as the Evil Senex.
Teachings (Day) - Publicly reveal yourself as The Senex. 1 use
Trollbox (Day) - Make a post of your making on another player’s account. They will not be informed of this. Does not count toward your action cap. This ability only works if you are aligned against the Blue Dragon. - Infinite Uses
Study (Day) - Learn your target’s faction. Only usable if you are aligned against the BD. Infinite uses
Master’s Remedy (Night) - Heal a player and cure any bleeding they may have, while also making them appear as a member of the Blue Dragon to investigations. Infinite uses :crown:
Tonic of the Savant (Night) - Make someone death immune tonight, and guarantee they visit their target while bypassing their target’s immunities. 1 use

BD Aligned: Ensure the Unseen and/or Cult lose.
Non BD Aligned: Ensure the BD loses.


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I honestly think Senex Works but only if the host gets to choose who senex is aligned with

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my problems with past senex was “Wow this can be a really swingy role as it’s either an extra number for wolves or for BD” but with host choosing I think it’s okay

Yes it’s going to be host choice because lmao running it randomly

evil-aligned senex should get to optionally trollbox whoever they use Teachings on

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