LFOL Cringe Compilation

at least on BD

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I’ve deliberately made conversion protection rare as shit for a good reason

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we arguably have everything else worth exploring

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Is there anything left to do

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Another post

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how much clarification do we actually want on the rolecards
because some of it reduces user experience

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do we want to give kings more social power
when people say yes they should think carefully because doublevoters are silly


I’m going to say that a tied end value vote shouldn’t announce that it was tied

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my evil answer is do regal lions king


Scum votes for each other during king election are now halved in terms of actual effect


This is a terrible idea good job


this won’t actually be confusing to process, contrary to popular belief

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I think we should do reverse alice emperor and allow the king to just remove plurality

This is a great idea

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give kings the power to execute anybody who openly expresses a scumread on them

Allow the King to personally appoint a Vizier

That player temporarily gains the Vizier ability from botc (Alch Vizier if BD) for a day


Going to do everything by Friday yell at me if not done by then

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add royal guards back
work this in somehow


Just make king have double vote except when it would result in a tie :slight_smile:

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I’ll work on this again eventually

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One day