litten's fun philosophy thread

I’ve actually heard of this one before. Hmmm, maybe it could be worked into a misc or something like that.

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I already passed it I got an A it was a 7 week class


oh congrats

Oh yeah. I remember doing this before in Breadbox NUF(?), albeit altered. IIRC people said I was not doing it correctly.

–so anyhow, according to my other experiences with this thing, apparently the answer differs per person? I heard from “people on the internet” that they’d only choose Box B, whereas my family members choose to take both.

  • Just Box B: “Perfect Prediction, right? So they should know I’ll go for this. I mathed out the average, and this choice is the most optimal!”
  • Both Boxes: “Who cares about math? Box A has a guaranteed reward, even if it’s smaller than Box B. This ‘perfect prediction’ can’t do anything when I’m choosing my answer; the rewards are already in the box. If it predicts my answer incorrectly, then I’d only benefit if I take both.”
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the clairvoyant knows i trust them so i pick only box B
this is such a hard problem cuz its basically prisoners you and the clairvoyant

so i choose ally and hope they do too


I feel like the reason why “people on the internet” (too long to type; henceforth “POTI”) and my family members have different answers is because their faith / trust in the supposedly omniscient entity, or the lack thereof.

POTI assumes the storyteller isn’t BS’ing them, and assumes there is a predictor that has a 99.9+% accuracy. So, they’d trust this entity.

Meanwhile, my family doesn’t believe in that thing. The distrust is simply too strong. “Prediction? That’s BS. What if I am part of that <0.01% error? Then I’d get nothing in return if I were to follow this thing!”


im gay


NTA your house your rules

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This Depends On One’s Understanding Of The Nature Of The Clairvoyant’s Power

Now, If One Were To Believe In The Power, The Specifications Cannot Truly Be Fathomed. We Would Be Left But To Dream How They Function. Can They Defy The Laws Of Causality? Mayhap. And So One Should Choose Only Box B

If One Were To Deny Their Supernatural Provenance Then It Must Be A Matter Of Great Observation And Perhaps Terribly Invasive Research Into Your Life. Regardless, With The Laws Of Causality In Place, Her Decision Is Already Made And What You Choose Now Has No Bearing On The Boxes. One Must Choose Both

The Only Manner In Which One Might Affect The Outcome Would Be Prior To The Prediction, Where One Must Endeavor To Appear To Be An Individual That Would Only Choose Box B And Thus With My Answer Here I Have Already Failed To Optimize My Outcomes

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i belive the nature of the clairvoyant’s power is that they have the ability to rewind time and have played this game with you many times in the past, and you will take this same test with them many many times in the future

in this light, i believe in optimising my net gain for all future events by trusting the clairvoyant, instead of optimising this one particular loop’s gain because i do not have faith it will be my last encounter with them

im kinda heretically religious too so that helps


how are mirrors real


To Craft A Mirror One Must First Tear Reality Asunder That We Might Peer Into An Adjacent Universe. From There The Difficulty That Arises Is Aligning That World With Our Own Such That An Illusion Of A Reflection Is Maintained, And One Does Not See The Horrors That Lurk Beyond In This Alternate Plane

How is anything real?

Life could be just an illusion.

life is probably just an illusion but because my actions have well-defined consequences within this illusion, i might as well play along as if its not

If you have a feeling that life is an illusion, why you care about those consequences?
(This is strictly a philosopical question.)

life could be a dream
life could be a dream

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One May Still Desire To Experience A More Pleasant Illusion

That Said The True Path Is To Take Command Of The Illusion. Will Yourself Into A God Within Your Illusion

If life is a dream I am very sorry for the entity who is dreaming about my life.


because i care about making the illusion world better
it gives my life meaning when otherwise it would have none


It depends on how the clairvoyant works, but assuming how it is said in question that we dont know I take option B. Because I assume that with such high probability it can predict my thought process when I choose so the choice I make will always be the one it predicted.

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