Mafia Championship Season 10 - We're invited! [Phase 2 Results, Shitpost phase]

ill bribe ara that ToL is still alive and is its own community, brb

No need
We just create a hydra account

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i was at first and then i realized a bunch of people probably didn’t understand the assignment and only made 1 vote actively screwing over everyone else

This was a bloodbath for no good reason

So many people were in the mid-40%'s

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I voted for everyone so seems like a skill issue

nice job potentially leaking and/or antispewing confidential information noob, go back to bed mister solar car man

Blood for the Blood God

how do we know this isn’t an elaborate conspiracy by the mods and that our votes were actually counted

Not my fault people woke up and chose blood

because we both know if i rigged votes id advance hippo lol

same tbh


Arete is a mod

If you can’t trust the rest of us, trust in aretes moral compass :joy_cat:

this is somehow less convincing than what i said

No it isn’t you’re pretty wolfy
How do I know you didn’t forge the results that I’m seeing with a frame

What’s the ToL ability that fucks with results randomly

Illusionist had it I think?

mind warp?

what about the one that erases your chat log