Mafia: Trials and Tribulations [Thread 1 - DO NOT POST]

yeah i think that might be it- leafia always has a self-centered gamestate but as wolf they possess more theory of mind about it

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this read probably begs explanation but itā€™s really finnicky and vibe-based so iā€™d prefer not to- the broad strokes of it is that leafiaā€™s worldbuilding is intensely self-centered, and i do not mean this in a bad way, just an observation of how she plays. as wolf, though, she has her partners to look after as well as her, so leafiaā€™s wolftell is that she demonstrates knowledge that the world does not revolve around her more

To explain their vote? Thereā€™s nothing to explain lol, Iā€™m voting you because idk who to vote and u arenā€™t posting

Babel was another ok choice

donā€™t get me wrong, the idea of leafia not making reads based around people having or not having TMI on her specificially is patently absurd, thatā€™s like, her entire thing, but given how i know she claims to operate (epiphenomenalism moment) this seems to make the most sense

So what is ur conclusion then, cause Iā€™m having a hard time parsing it

leafiaā€™s a villager because they literally fucking @ed me saying that my read on silviu was wrong because they were blatantly wolfsiding by voting her


When Leafia is town, she plays around the assumption that only her alignment is certain. So she plays defensively. When she plays as wolf she knows the alignment of her and her partners, so he plays to defend herself and her partners.

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I mean it does look basic enough, thatā€™s why she gets both lynched (unfortunately also myslynched), but it looks like itā€™s not clear enough sometimes. :fog:

this methodology came from my memories of community FM 2, where i had an extended argument with Leafia that included her allignment but did not revolve around it, rather having most of the time spent dancing around her partners, because she was wolf that game and i am vindicated

Doing stupidly short sighted things to further her thread position damages the integrity of the team, therefore she is less likely to do those things as a mafia. However if she is town then she only knows her own alignment, in which case the goal is valid.

I also donā€™t buy Italy being in a double state of ā€œall of the votes on my wagon are badā€ and ā€œIā€™m doing nothing Teehee!ā€

Those are usually contradictory thoughts.

hereā€™s a read from early in SCP FM, a wolf game, to illustrate this- italy is making a bad misunderstanding of LAMIST, and while Leafia is actually correct to not push italy for misunderstanding LAMIST here, regardless of allignment, notice the increased amount of self-awareness- if Leafia was village that game, Iā€™d guarentee you that sheā€™d have made points about TMI by this point, in this exact string of conversation

(sorry for not quoting i just thought screenshotting would be faster)

thank you to Maria-Theresa for explaining the theory for why i think this tell makes psychological sense, by the way, I was mostly focusing on establishing The Pattern rather than properly explaining my internal logic for it, but that is it, yes


Noted Iā€™ll keep that in mind

hereā€™s a quote from a Leafia wolfgame, Risky Light Game (Featuring Rain), in which a lot of reads are expressed, and you can see that the characteristic self-centered reads are included, but most* reads are actually based around the gamestate as a whole

i donā€™t remember the wolfteam from that game because, i will be honest, i barely skimmed it once when it was happening just to keep track of what my friends were doing, but i guarentee you that most of the non-self-centered reads involve her partners in some way

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itā€™s not a matter of absence, itā€™s a matter of frequency. to shut this sesssion of theorising down, Leafia is villager, I am not voting her, but also her perspective is tainted and it would be wise to not particularly give much credit to anything she says, since everything is based around her allignment in particular

not that thatā€™s a bad thing! it is good to go forward assuming youā€™re a villager, because your allignment is one of the few things you know 100%, but when it prevents you from seeing things from anyone elseā€™s perspective that can become a huge problem. this is what i mean when i say that leafia is playing badly irrespective of if her conclusions are, strictly speaking, accurate, becasue process absolutely matters a ton in mafia

thatā€™s why i pontificate about theory so much, because part of my playstyle is that my reads arenā€™t actually very good, to be completely candid, but i try to provide as much process as possible in order that other people with better reads can win the game

anyway italy is honestly not that polaried if i remember rightly so iā€™m going to have to read them on this game in particular, and thatā€™d be easier if they had more content, so please post more content thanks @Italy

what the fuck does polaried mean

Ici is definitely lock Ici because this discussion is beyond my intellectual capability of understanding

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polarised, sorry, i make typoes a lot, the legitimate reason is that i can type faster than i can properly think so i make spelling errors frequently