Maybot Testing Thread

No Prisoner 2 (3): Arete, Chloe, tutuu

Not Voting (9): cat, Zugzwang, Magnus, beancat, pandora, Bionic, YoubutWorse, benguinedparbecue, Litten


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Oh I know what it is

Okay let’s try one more time voting for just “No Prisoner”

VOTE: No Prisoner

she showed the others but they told her

she was not fit to control

the primal forces that the gods

I’m restarting the thing so it’ll post a VC when it wakes

VOTE: No Prisoner

had cloaked in mystery

VOTE: @discobot roll1d100

but she would not something something be silenced

No Prisoner 2 (1): Chloe
No Prisoner 1 (2): Arete, Bionic
INVALID_VOTE (1): tutuu

Not Voting (8): cat, Zugzwang, Magnus, beancat, pandora, YoubutWorse, benguinedparbecue, Litten

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and though she trembled she defied them

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Theeeere we go

VOTE: cat
VOTE: Zugzwag
VOTE: No Prisoner
VOTE: Zugzwang

took her torch, and raised it high

set afire his-to-ry