Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN


  1. Day 1 start
  2. Day 1 end, 1 wolf in Chomps, Anonygoose, FusionMoon314
  3. Day 2 start, 1 mason beamed
  4. Day 2 end, 1 wolf in LittleLee, Prisma101, Badeline
  5. Day 3 start, 1 mason beamed
  6. Day 3 end, 2 wolves in Anonygoose, Badeline, LittleLee
  7. Day 4 start, 3 masons beamed
  8. Day 4 end, mafia win


During this game, players may place up to 3 simultaneous votes for different players. The top 3 players being voted will then be jailed.


To place multiple votes at once, include all of your votes in the same post. Each time you make a new post containing votes, all of your targets will be reset.

VOTE: May and VOTE: Garfooled

Two votes in the same post will allow you to vote for both May and Garfooled.


VOTE: Garfooled

Two votes in separate posts will vote for only May, and then only Garfooled.

Voting for No Prisoner

Players may vote for no prisoner up to 3 times. If any instance of No Prisoner is in the top votes, then no prisoner will be jailed in that particular spot.

VOTE: May, VOTE: Garfooled, and VOTE: No Prisoner 1

To vote for no prisoner once, vote for your targets and No Prisoner 1.

VOTE: May, VOTE: No Prisoner 1, and VOTE: No Prisoner 2

To vote for no prisoner twice, vote for a target, No Prisoner 1, and No Prisoner 2.

Final Votecounts

The top 3 slots voted for at the end of the day will be jailed. Any ties will be resolved randomly.

May (4): ElizaThePsycho, Ruby, Litten, pandora
No Prisoner 1 (4): Ruby, Litten, pandora, benguinedparbecue
Garfooled (3): ElizaThePsycho, Litten, pandora
No Prisoner 2 (3): ElizaThePsycho, Ruby, benguinedparbecue
No Prisoner 3 (1): benguinedparbecue

In a 3-player-jail game, this votecount would result in May and No Prisoner 1 being selected for the jail. The last slot is tied between Garfooled and No Prisoner 2, so a coin would be flipped to decide whether Garfooled or No Prisoner 2 goes to jail.

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About Maybot

This game will be run using an experimental automated hosting bot designed by May. Maybot will be handling all game actions, including sending out rolecards, posting votecounts, and starting/ending days. If there are ever any delays with game processing, please contact @May.

The way that Maybot resolves ambiguous votes (e.g. voting for ‘M’ when both Maybot and May are in the game) is slightly different from how the built-in VC plugin resolves them. Maybot will always resolve such votes to the last matching player in the playerlist.

The built-in VC will also allow you to place more than the maximum number of legal votes; Maybot will remove any such votes before the end of the day. Misspelled votes which are not substrings of a player username will not be resolved to their intended target.

Please be careful to avoid misspelling names or making ambiguous/illegal votes, and keep in mind that the resolution of votes is not final until the bot has posted a VC.

For ease of processing, mafia night actions will be handled through voting on an on-site PM. Actions must be submitted to the PM, and not to Discord by the end of the night.

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Rolecards are out!

If you have not received a rolecard, or encounter any other issues, please contact the hosts (@May, @Zugzwang).

The game will begin 2024-08-13T21:00:00Z.


Game start!

Day 1 begins and will end 2024-08-15T21:00:00Z.



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Surprise Combinatorics Problem!

Assuming that you can only move between marked points and that you can only move down or right, how many routes are there from the top left corner to the bottom right corner?


Good morning! :)


I’m punctual as always! ;)

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Where the heck did you come from?


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Fun fact: I nearly convinced my stats professor from a couple semesters back to use this as an extra credit thing.


VOTE: Spookycat
VOTE: Badeline


4 8 and 12

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What does that mean?

We vote up to three people to be jailed. T3 voted people get jailed, and we learn how many mafia are in that.

they are numbers 4, 8, and 12 in the playercount

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