Sorry, VC incoming
please kill gorta like
yeah since i ended up townreading both cape/atlas i guess that gorta wagon wasnt wolf motivated
fuck me
Final D3 VC
Voted | Voter | Votes |
Mistyx | Bradland, catbae, Atlas, Arctic | 4/5 |
Atlas | Prophylaxis | 1/5 |
Cape90 | Mistyx | 1/5 |
Sleep | Gorta | 1/5 |
Not Voting | Kiiruma, Cape90 | 2 |
Ping host for mistakes
Aizawa stared at the group, unflinching. They had lined up, well, except for one, who stood off to the side, arms crossed. One by one, they had cast their ballots, resignation filled in well on their faces. Finally, the homeroom teacher spoke.
“Glad to see you guys are learning to be a little more urgent,” he said with a dry chuckle. “Now, let’s see if this has paid off at all.”
He counted the slips in his fingers, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “Wow… I’m impressed,” he muttered, although he would never admit to it if anyone called him out on it. When Nezu had proposed the game, he had never thought it would get to this point - the paranoia was truly starting to seep into the children.
“Well, regardless…” Shouta huffed, putting on a mask of indifference. “By a small margin, the one you guys have decided to get rid of today is… Eijiro Kirishima.”
Silently resigned, Kirishima walked forward rigidly, their fight seemingly having left them. Frowning, they passed forward their card, receiving a black one in return.
Finally, their emotions broke through. “Damn it!” Eijiro huffed. “I was so sure…” They trailed off, shaking their head and joined their eliminated and unchosen classmates watching the event.
Eraserhead shook his head fondly, his dark hair waving as the briefest hint of a smirk crossed his face. The Pro Hero schooled his features quickly, though, turning to the class. “Very well, you’ve made your decision!”
Mistyx has been executed! They were…
Eijiro Kirishima
Vanilla Hero
An energetic teen who aspires to be like the manly Pro Hero, Crimson Riot! He can harden his body to increase his defense and offense, but has difficulty maintaining his Quirk.
You have no abilities except for your voice and your vote.
Win-Condition: See that no threats to the Heroes remain.
Night Three has begun, and will end in 23 hours at 2022-03-15T22:00:00Z in order to maintain a steady SoD time for me. I apologize again for daylight savings weirdness
BradLand has died in the night! They were…
Tenya Iida
Hero 2-Shot Even Night Alignment Cop
Younger brother to the Pro Hero Ingenium. Tenya sees his brother as a sort of role model for who he should aspire to be.
You’re incredibly studious, and great at noticing minute details. Your Quirk is speedy, however, you can’t use it constantly, or else the engines in your legs may overheat!
Night: Investigate - Choose a player. You will receive feedback at the end of the night: “Your target is a member of the [FACTION]!” (2 Uses, even nights only)
Win-Condition: See that no threats to the Heroes remain.
With 8 people alive, majority is 5. Today is MyLo. All votes will be locked and final. In the case that a faction is unable to win, I will call the game early. Day 4 has begun and will end in 48 hours, at 2022-03-17T22:00:00Z.
(sorry the delay, laptop knows im trying to replace it so it thought it would be funny to restart)
You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain
I know this is lame but I’m not really going to be that bothered if this is a loss (as seems likely), it’s just…no one has deserved this
Anyway we should be mass claiming
took the words out of my mouth
fuck wolves didn’t take my bait
if i’m wrong on catbae v then i’m just gonna be disappointed because they’ve perfectly mirrored my dread for this game in a way which is pretty hard to fake
3-Shot Doublevoter I don’t even work in MyLo or LyLO and I didn’t even use my ability
i shouldnt have backed down on misty v
Unlike y’all I have a bit of confidence, I’m absolutely certain there’s at least 1 wolf in Prophy/Cape/catbae and I’m confident on it being one of the two formers