Minority Rule Royale 3 - gg no re

yeah but

i want to get revived so i dont break my win streak


Can I also say I’m impressed Jane is alive this long with two Serial Killers

Jane is mega dead soon

like this round

Because 3/4 of the other people are an active threat to be in Jane’s room? What’s the worst that could happen?
Almost anyone in a room together is going to get blown out of the water.

In other words Jane is mega dead yes

when god created the first women, there was eve and there was lilith, Eve was subservient to Adam, she was demure, proper, sweet, and wonderful

but lilith

she got shit done, she was the primordial girlboss, she was a gamer, she smoked weed

i chose to not attempt to wallow in self hatred as I approached the folk ideal of the modern Eve, I instead became a sigma woman, I killed all who wronged me, and will wrong me. Even though in the end I blew myself up in my carnage I have no regrets. Because I lived the life of Lilith, the original Sigma Female

ok nerd

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Just got 5 teeth pulled. The ice is sooo cold :cold_face:


good christmas present


On the fifth day of Christmas…

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Yes I do.

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Changed my choice as I had originally decided on rejuvenate but I predict a party there and I wouldn’t be able to kill anyone there due to the effect of the room.

And you’d die if there’s more than 1

Oh, huh, I didn’t realise it would take effect immediately.

I just hope you didn’t change to mine :pray:

Wait yeah thats wrong

@Leafia you can still go
It goes current effects, maj, then room

Wait, does it?

The “New Statuses” confuses me

new statuses take effect after

new statuses means you receive the status
it doesnt apply until the next round


Oh well, I’ll know soon enough whether or not I’ve messed up.

Either way, I’ve had a good run.