Minority Rule Royale 3 - gg no re

The only one who needs to have your ip is me

That doesn’t work on me

because I use NordVPN

2 people clicked on this link already

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i have no idea what’s going on lol

Go into Death for super secret surprise

Vpns really don’t help

It grabs it from your computer

okay well then im homeless so what are they gonna do about it


tldr let’s all die for maximum joycat

Proposal of a death pack let’s all go to death

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Actual Final Results

Mundane - Hally - 1
Death - Ruby - 1
Mystery - 0
Force :tangerine: - 0

[Earth] - Trochilidae - 1

Ruby dies to Death! Hally and Trochilidae have died to majority!

game is finally over now :wowee:
the results are shocking, i know

ty everyone for playing

that sure was uh


that’s a way to end


The true winners were the friends we made along the way

we made friends??


That’s why nobody won

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