Minority Rule: Treasures of the Old Ones - N.1 wins! (and Marluna survived!)

Mass Notice

@astand @May @Wazza @Marluna @N.1 @Zugzwang @Solic

1 Hour Remains

Fuck it chance it is

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Encounter Solic, Astrand, may (3)
Equity :wind_chime: Wazza, Zugzwang, N.1 (3)
Betrayal Marluna (1)
Chance (0)

Betrayal is NOT tied for Minority

No one was in Chance

Encounter and Equity tied for Majority

Encounter has 2 Talismans :wind_chime:

Equity has 3 Talismans :wind_chime:

Encounter reached majority!

Final Results

Encounter Solic, Astrand, May [2] (3)
Equity :wind_chime: Wazza, Zugzwang, N.1 [3] (3)
Betrayal Marluna (1)
Chance (0)

Artifacts have been handed out

@Wazza @N.1 have lost their Talismans! :wind_chime:

@Wazza @N.1 @Zugzwang have gained a Talisman :wind_chime:

May, Astrand, and Solic have died

1 Like

Having gotten past the Knight’s Challenge, the last 4 explorers finally reach the Grand Keep’s gate.

In order to enter the Keep, only two will live

The group looks at each other, knowing all the hardship that they have gone through requires them to have to kill each other

Suddenly out of nowhere, magic swells and the group are transported into a silent black void. Within the void lie a series of doors

3 Doors Appear

False Exit

The Final 4

@N.1 @Wazza @Zugzwang @Marluna

If I have chosen anything else, I would be dead again…

Chance, betrayal, equity or encounter

Same here . . . Betrayal and chance both tempted me

Switched back to equity right at the end

damn that’s crazy
the 3 people who said they were going into the other room went into the other room

Bro no clue how I’m still alive lmao literally just been picking randomly and not reading any effects most of the game

I guess it is really just all luck and no skill

I know I beat a hydra that had orange in it once as a town pr that was hydraing with clonedcheese. This might be the same game but actually I think Arete was a host in the game I’m thinking of

It might have been an orange and eevee hydra? I forget

eevee and I have hydra’d but I don’t believe we’ve done so on this site

are you sure that wasn’t the me/priestess hydra game


nya nya nya

I am picking Exchange! Do not pick it

Picking this will almost surely result in both of our deaths nya nya nya do not do that


WAIT, Betrayal wouldn’t have killed me because Chance would’ve been minority. Goddamnit

i dont think that’s how that works
psure it would have counted as tied with encounter, so you’d still have died