Minority Rule: Treasures of the Old Ones - N.1 wins! (and Marluna survived!)

I almost got my room to myself and got my Ethereal -_-

Guidance from beyond. You’re welcome.


(also, fym “post can’t be empty” when it’s full of quotes? the fuck?)

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Come on let’s seance gaming bring :clap: us :clap: back :clap: bois :clap:!!!

seance? :pleading_face:


An artifact has been destroyed!

Void Milk activates

[Divided] ➜ [Revelation]

whos the nerd

that’s such a cool name with such a dissapointing effect

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lets goooo hell yea solic

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seance AGAIN? thats so lame let us have an endgame smh dumb rng

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well tbf this is the first time it was naturally rolled

Bring me back to life you guys know you want to

No clue how i’m still alive but if anyone is interested in an alliance, feel free to dm me

This includes dead players

does this happen on the same turn that they get the status? or does it start the next round

im picking it out of spite now

maybe we’ll revive apprentice and he can win, as god intended


Order of Application:
Effects of the Room
Existing Statuses
Majority calculated
Death from Majority
New Statuses
Talismans counted
