Minority Rule: Treasures of the Old Ones - N.1 wins! (and Marluna survived!)

Well sometimes it takes a while to find the right person

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they lost a game of monster seeking monster

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@RachelDaGod monster is always there as a suicide option if you wish

I mean not being able to pick who it is is kinda a rip

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day 1 tracker claim

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kill him :hocho:

monster is pretty sus tbh, you should track them

tracking monster n1 then

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i cc bunny claim
i am the superior leporidae

It is not unique, the more the merrier

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Claiming Alch now, pls no hurty

what does this even mean

it means katze is a wolf

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she go awooo


Alright who leaked the coordinates of this expedition? Why are there random people showing up? To take selfies?

Anyways. Sir. This private government property, that you are not permitted to have access to. This is your final warning to leave.

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oh he isnt in the game

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shows me

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The last times these have been hosted we allowed anyone to talk mb

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Sir you are under arrest

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