Minority Rule: Treasures of the Old Ones - N.1 wins! (and Marluna survived!)

Seriously, though, the rest of y’all are quiet. You have any thoughts?

…if so, can I have them? Flie flervous.

[ Yes, xe did just say “flie flervous” out loud. ]


Right now I’m thinking "What the fuck does ‘flie flervous’ mean?

Is it a harry pottah spell?

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could I join the game after its started since technically it’s not changing anything

It means I’m brainrotted by custom Discord emojis.

[ Sigh. ]

Expedition master, we have another one.

If somehow battle gets Majority, duplicate will lose half of it’s picker too.

Okay, but that would be funny as fuck.

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I can never see that happening tbh.



(say “/in”)



I send dm to host account yes

The Paperwork turns over as the receptionists at the Miskatonic University look over who signed up for the expedition

“It says here that 35 people showed up, why did you put only 34 people went?”


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Not likely. But it’d still be funny. Like if we all suddenly went into the same room.

[ Xe turns to Geyde. ]

Oh, wait, you’re not a trespasser. Sup, mate.

(I am now suffering the shittiest internet known to man. If I stop talking for a while you know why)

My coffee told me that today would be a most auspicious venture

Your coffee sounds banger. Does not drink coffee.

[ Yes, they did just subtitle their own words. ]