Minority Rule: Treasures of the Old Ones - N.1 wins! (and Marluna survived!)


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Invite me back pls

Oh so NOW you want back I see how it is

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You can always count on litten rigging realirt in his favor

Holy shit there are 9 people left wow you guys all sucked

Anyway Iā€™m choosing temple who wants to die with me ^_^

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puzzle puzzle

isny karze insnae


Katze was insane rigjt?

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last round

Insane lasts the entire game until cleansed

oh mb

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If we all choose unity, katze can survive too

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@may what are you choosing

I refuse to look up what the rooms are. Ask me later

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its joever

Do you like being a cultist

A Puzzle has been completed!

puzzle puzzle

Mass Notice

@astand @May @Wazza @beancat @katze @N.1 @Chloe @Solic @Litten @Someone