Minority Rule: Treasures of the Old Ones - N.1 wins! (and Marluna survived!)

Day 7 Results!

False Exit: N.1 (1)
Exchange: Wazza, Zugzwang (1)
Treasure: Marluna

Room Effects Activate!

False exit takes the form of…
@discobot roll 1d4

  1. Encounter
  2. Equity
  3. Betrayal
  4. Chance

:game_die: 1

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As such, our majority is as follows…

Encounter: N.1 (1)
Exchange: Wazza, Zugzwang (1)
Treasure: Marluna

@Wazza and @Zugzwang have perished!

@Marluna and @N.1 are the final two players left standing!

With only two players remaining, the game will come to it’s end!
A tie!.. But wait…
"Those who possess these Talisman are greater then those who don’t…"

N.1’s One Medallion to Marluna’s 0, N. 1 is the victor!


While N.1 is our winner, there is still a choice for the two of you!

You both exit the swirling void to find the grand keep has finally opened its doors and the two of you make your way inside. Inside lay a polished marble structure, with gold trimmed pillars and a red carpet. In front of you lies a grand staircase that leads up to an open chamber.

Upon going up the staircase you encounter a stand, supported by a small roman pillar. On the stand lie a chalice, the Calix Vitalae

You both have one final choice to make:

Drink from the Chalice
Destroy the Chalice
Return the Chalice

You have 24 hours.
@Marluna @N.1


(50% chance for n.1 to die and have either a) the game continue or b) Marluna be the sole victor btw, which is why i randed publicly on discobot :joy_cat: )

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What do you want?

I’m voting for Returning it to the researchers, if you don’t want to drink or destroy it.


(actually i have work on monday so you have… 21 hours to decide, not 24! apologies for the inconvenience!)

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threadclose time represents the actual deadline!

The whole purpose of this quest lore-wise was to retrieve property for my employer in order to fulfill the terms of my contract, so yes I agree 100%.

@Marluxion a unanimous decision has been reached. Return the chalice to the researchers. Please and thank you.


“I make my own luck.” – Harvey Specter

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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I thought final two people win

It’s two or less, once the round actually ends.

n.1 stands for number 1


Yep, if all else is equal!

Which is why medallions/tangerines/other gimmick items exist, to break ties (especially in final 2!)


If I were still alive, I would have voted the same, living gamers. Fuck yeah, for science!

N.1 and Marluna received the chalice. The blood within the chalice looked bottomless. It was silver with red gemstones on the side of it, and had an otherworldly essence engulfing it. The two grappled it together, and secured it to the delivery parcel that was provided to the expedition teams at the start of the adventure. After carefully securing the chalice, to make sure that it didn’t spill they even had to add a metal lid over the top of it, the two left the grand keep. They made their way back through the city, past the knight, past the tower, past the gate, past the church, down through the courtyard, under the sewer, all the way until they reached the bridge where they entered. 35 People embarked on this expedition, and only 2 remain. After hoisting the Chalix Vitalae up the cliff, the two followed suit, finally reaching the top and putting an end to the nightmare.

*Upon arriving back at the Miskatonic University, the researchers were elated to see that the mission was successful. N.1 and Marluna were immediately rushed off to undergo medical and psychological evaluation, but not before the researchers said their compensation”

“For bringing back the Calix Vitalae, the two of you are entitled to 80$ Million Dollars, split between the each of you”

The two were elated, however they didn’t have time to think before they were pushed away to undergo their testing.

Several Days Later

March 1st, 1946

Miskatonic University Press Conference

“Thank you all for gathering here today. You may have recently heard of the discovery of the City of Ushyll, a city shrouded in mystery dating back to thousands of years ago. The City was recently discovered, and the University sponsored an expedition to the site. The site was very dangerous, and due to employee negligence many lost their lives, however two explorers returned from the site, having successfully disarmed all of the dangers of the site. As such, we are proud to announce that we will be sending a survey team, to secure the site for the public and researchers, so that many others can see the wonderful features of the site. In addition, in memorial of the explorers that lost their lives, the University will be building a memorial dedicated to their sacrifices. From this expedition we have found an incredible artifact, that by looking into we can discover the answers to all of the mysterious investigations that have occurred in Lovecraft county, we have discovered the Calix Vitalae”

At the center of the stage, lay a stand with a box with a red veil covering the top of it. The speaker removes the red veil to reveal the Calix Vitalae

“Going forward, this very object will be the hope that humanity needs to combat the old ones and their cults. This object has been mentioned within the necronomicon to contain the primordial blood that fuels all of existence.”

Cameras start flashing repeatedly

“The Miskatonic University is at the forefront of research into the mystical arts, and with this we have made our biggest leap forward into resolving the very nature of the Great Old Ones”.

Game Over! @N.1 and @Marluna survived!


I would have drank from it