[Misc] Drabble Duel: Doppelgangsters Edition - Atlas wins!

Okay the last one was :joycat: but the 2 before were just joycat. However it seems like joycat is exclusive to being, like, the only thing on a line? These were both messages containing ONLY joycat and some image you were reacting to. So that was an error

Okay yeah we have a consensus on this

tutuuā€™s deserved better

i wasnt expecting atlas to win this ngl

You werenā€™t???

I was

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atlas has a lot of rp experience

not surprised

osu made me learnt to give up my dignity for game rewards

idk i assumed arctic would or marissa would just make dumb jokes people laughed at

i guess i slept on the pink yoshi

or whatever the fuck your pfp is now

iā€™d tell you if i knew

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i wasnt trying to sound exactly like you because it was kind of a caricature/exaggerated for extra funny

iā€™ll take second place given that atlas probably spent 20 hours researching his submissions like a nerd and i put bare minimum time

And it being ā€œlike idk if it wouldā€ rather than ā€œlike would itā€ was a good call, the latter was definitely a Mayism slipping through

Iā€™ll take third given I forgot to do like four submissions

now letā€™s run another version of this but youā€™re not allowed to make the obvious jokes

you based your post about me about three seperate posts i made and mangled them horribly

i am still so mad that that got any likes

it actually ended up being the opposite, i feel like i tried to sound the most like the people instead of making dumb jokes to farm likes

the pink yoshi