[MISC] God Slayers 2 - Game Thread (3/8) - PHRAZE, APPRENTICE, AND ARCTIC WIN!

You shall be spared :heart:

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intensify apprentice phraze
villain anti-god and slayer

who’s who

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You are a good ally.
Luckily I don’t have to slay you.

I know you said it’s more likely that Apprentice is the anti-god and Intensify is the second slayer, so that would mean Phraze would have to be the villain


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no i think i was wrong on one of them because phraze attacking me as villain is kinda eh

If she was a villain, she’d be attacking Blizer since she would need to attack the other Wanderers, not a God. So maybe she’s the second slayer

I can’t tell if PS is a god or can just win with them

yeah my current read rn is apprentice = anti-god
phraze = slayer
intensify = villain

We slayer hunting boys

wanderer card given in thread

Given to Intensify, no effect

Player Character Equipment Health Damage Location
Arctic Kaguya Flame of Olympus, Thornmail 9 Underworld
Blizer Pandora Durandal, Vajrayudha 6 Earth
Apprentice ??? 7 Earth
Squid ??? 5 War
Jane Joan of Arc 10 Heaven
Intensify ??? 3 War
Marluna ??? Dainsleif 6 Sea
Phraze ??? Noah’s Ark 9 Chaos

Gate Pairs:

Discard Piles:
Wanderer Discard: 4 cards
Slayer Discard: 0 Cards (0 Equipment, 1 Arcana): The High Priestess (Arcana)
God Discard: 1 Card (1 Equipment, 0 God Beasts): Volcano of Kagutsuchi (Weapon)

I get to attack

misend from last gamestate

Apprentice to atk, then Squid to play

Attack Intensify

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 6

@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 4